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ARC is a creative studio that navigates between the realms of design and contemporary jewelry.

Necklace from the Intense collection - Arcaesthetic

It's an invitation to play with the senses, stimulate creativity, and enhance the tactile experience.

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Our focus is on creating forms that encompass both the body and the environment. Our work navigates between different scales, with a recent emphasis on the macro dimension.

Through the creation of jewelry, we seek to study the body—how it behaves, transforms, and moves. We consider our jewelry as an extension of the body itself, tools to survive the flattening of a globalized world, escape routes for individuals unbridled.


The dedication to details, a primary characteristic of handmade production, translates into unique pieces that combine fine woods with silver elements, enhancing the contrast between the two materials.


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Our production is internal and meticulous, and the primary raw material used is wood. All ARC woods are noble, rare, and reused. They are the result of donations, searches, research, a careful look, and being in the right place. It is a web of relationships built over time, with nature, history, places, people. Joiners, luthiers, artists, friends, partners, and sometimes chance encounters around the world. (Brazil, Italy, United States, Africa, India, these are just some of the countries where our material comes from) More than being part of the process, wood itself is the process. It is the element that leads us on a sensory journey, through colors, veins, smells, textures.


We create ornaments in transformation, whether through the organic composition of the material used or the potential to change their forms and positions. This makes ARC a brand that transcends time, with consistency and permanence.

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The proximity between objects and jewelry materializes in a complementary journey of ARC, reinforcing the connection between body adornment and environmental decoration.

Starting from hybrid objects that traverse between body and space, ARC arrives at the creation of sculptures, paving a path that approaches the realms of art and design.

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Viola Pineider drawing ARC sketches

The soul of ARC is Viola Pineider, an artist and founder. Born and raised in Florence, Italy, she traveled through various cities in Europe, enriching her own wealth of human and artistic experiences.


Her professional background is a culmination of experiences with talented underground artists from the '90s/'2000s and 14 years of work in traditional Italian carpentry."

After practicing for 5 years alongside an experienced cabinetmaker, in 2010, she took over the management of the business and carried out numerous restoration projects for furniture and interior decoration. The love for restoring antique furniture developed the artist's attentive and accurate gaze and an aesthetic sense, typical of someone who has the ability to combine shapes and colors. Currently in Rio de Janeiro, she connects with other artistic experiences, in addition to continuing her carpentry work.

With the naturalness of someone who grew up surrounded by art, in addition to a solid technical background, Viola created her own style that combines the creativity of an unconventional world with the elegance and lightness of Italian design.

At the end of 2018, ARC was born, a journey of experimentation and studio with the objective of realizing new expressions in the world of jewelry. All ARC pieces are conceived and handcrafted by Viola Pineider, using leftovers and scraps of special woods.

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