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The screen "VERTIGEM" is a complex work of movement, with curves that ascend and descend, penetrating and emerging from the space defined by its support structure. It completely subverts its original function; it neither hides, divides, nor blocks the wind. Instead, it is an object that invites contemplation and peering through its voids, encouraging one to follow its twists and to move through space to discover new angles of observation.

At the same time, the tangle of pieces in irregular arch shapes creates a feeling of destabilization, generating a confusion of planes. A play of attraction and repulsion permeates the entire work, both in the final result and in the complex phase of creation. It is not merely a physical vertigo, where the senses are deceived and orientation in space is lost, but rather a challenge to confront the unknown and embrace movement and change.

“VERTIGEM is not the fear of falling; it is something else. It is the voice of the void beneath us, drawing us in and enveloping us; it is the desire for the fall, from which we soon defend ourselves in terror.” — Milan Kundera

Technical Description: The screen consists of 3 doors carved from Imbuia wood. Each door features a different and unique design.

The screen is equipped with hinges that allow the doors to move in both directions, providing a distinctive dynamic in the space.

Dimensions: 200 cm x 180 cm x 3 cm

The width of the doors is 60 cm each, and the volume varies according to the design of the arcs.

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